Raw Materials

There is never a dull moment (pun intended) in blade making. Taking so many different materials and then bringing them together to form a functional piece of art still boggles my mind and drives me as a crafts person. That I can turn raw materials like steel, bone, antler, wood, bronze, and fibreglass into functional artefacts is addictive!

Having spent over a decade as an archaeologist I really came to appreciate the artefacts that we as humans have left behind. I can vividly remember finding a finger print on a shard of 3000 year old pottery. This finger print so captivated me that I felt compelled to place my own finger on it and by doing so I created a connection with the maker. This connection is what drives me to create. Each piece I complete has a little bit of me attached to it. Not only my creative energies but the visceral physical parts too. The blood, the sweat and the tears! Each piece has a story, and the story creates an experience.


It takes as long as it takes


The Three R’s